Same behavior here... Using Arduino Uno R3 and this board [GY-91](https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1436250599-acelermetro-e-giroscopio-9-eixos-10-dof-mpu-9250-com-bmp280-_JM). GY91-------------------------Arduino Uno VIn---------------------------5v 3v3---------------------------X GND------------------------- Ground SCL---------------------------A5 SDA--------------------------A4 SD0/SA0--------------------- 3.3V NCS--------------------------X CSB--------------------------X Tried also without Ground on NCS, and...
> No idea. Maybe the GY-91 is broken? nCS should be HIGH if using I2C. Try connecting 3V3 and nCS... > […](#) Connecting NCS on 3.3V, still the same results....
Hi @kriswiner! I found the problem. It was on the chip MPU9250, it is a problem of cold soldering, causing poor contact of the chip. I bought a new GY-91,...