Fabio Carrara

Results 10 comments of Fabio Carrara

Same problem on my machine running Ubuntu 15.10 with kernel 4.2.0-17-generic, wifi is ok but bluetooth is not working. Don't know if this may help, but in my configuration the...

Our model works on still images. You have to extract patches from each frame of the video (e.g. with OpenCV) and feed them to the model. See #8 for some...

Hi @josels-09, unfortunately, I do not have the environment on which I run the experiment anymore, and I don't remember the exact version numbers. I'm quite sure I was using...

Yes, the output for an image is a numpy array with two values being the probabilities for free/busy classes, no conversions needed. If the model gives you always the same...

Hi, for the first problem, you should check your matplotlib installation, try google: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13110403/matplotlib-backend-missing-modules-with-underscore About the IndexError, this arises when trying to read an empty experiment log. Check the logs...

For each experiment, a directory should be created containing training outputs, i.e. all the caffe prototxt files used to train the network and to evaluate it on the test sets,...

You can use the [`forward.py`](https://github.com/fabiocarrara/pyffe/blob/d07a39a1d239edee5db972be8b88d5802fdf17ec/forward.py) script provided in [pyffe](https://github.com/fabiocarrara/pyffe). ```sh python pyffe/forward.py usage: forward.py [-h] [-mf MEAN_FILE] [-mp MEAN_PIXEL] [--nogpu] [-rf ROOT_FOLDER] deploy_file caffemodel image_list output_file [...] positional arguments: deploy_file...

I updated the first answer with an example. About videos, our model only works on pre-extracted image patches. The visualization part you see on YouTube use our model and is...

Hi @tszngai , we used the already segmented patches for PKLot, that are in the folder PKLotSegmented under the dataset root folder. I think you are pointing to the full...

It seems that one of the log files of the experiments is not properly formatted. It may indicate there was a problem with a specific experiment. Please, manually check the...