Fabio Caccamo

Results 213 comments of Fabio Caccamo

@tbhaxor me too :), but this would require a lot of work and at the moment I have not the time for working on it.

- Many color fields must be added to give the possibility to customize all colors - Every color field should must become 2 color fields, 1 for light theme and...

@tbhaxor just create a django project locally (you can follow the official django [tutorial](https://www.djangoproject.com/start/)) and install the package without pip to be able to modify it. For testing check [here](https://github.com/fabiocaccamo/django-admin-interface#testing).

@merwok it is surely a smart solution, maybe a little bit overcomplicated. I'm guessing if in this case there is really the need to have an automatic switch between light...

@saymoncoppi if you want to work on this you could start from here: > I would start by adding the fields to customise all the theme colors, in this way...

@saymoncoppi basically you need to customise the language-chooser css, I think the only thing you can do to persist changes is to override the template from you own application adding...

@saymoncoppi I would add an option named `language_chooser_style` / `language_chooser_widget` with 3 options: - **Default Select** - the current one - **Minimal Select** - the suggested one, requires just a...

It would be nice to manage all this from the admin itself.

@merwok if you only need to hide Groups you can just unregister the ModelAdmin, eg. `admin.site.unregister(Group)`

This seems impossible to be done with the current `jscolor` library. I start to consider the idea to switch to another color picker with the same UX and a similar...