Fabio Accetta
Fabio Accetta
Sorry, but with your suggestion nothing changes: same error (empty response). Is there some log i can inspect?
After some test i have discovered that the answer appears if i go to `` instead of `http://...`, but it seems the `live-reload` feature does not to work: file change...
**My mistakes: wrong configuration** (`wpack` and `\WPackio\Enqueue` configured one in a subfolder of the other). Now `composer.json`, `package.json` and all `wpack.*.js` are in theme root and all works as espected....
Moreover, if I comment those lines, my output has radio inputs always with empty values instead of their right own values. This strange behavior seems to happen in line 59:...
The version considered in my previous post is the latest stable, while in the last master version this problem seems to be resolved (even if the radio is always prefilled...