Fabien Baradel

Results 7 issues of Fabien Baradel

Hi, Thanks for you work, that's very helpful. It seems that you do not consider the gender for obtaining the ground-truth mesh for the [3DPW dataset](https://github.com/Jeff-sjtu/HybrIK/blob/main/hybrik/datasets/pw3d.py). So the metrics that...

Hi, I am interested about the code release of your paper "Motion Capture from Internet Videos" but I cannot find it in your repo. When do you plan to release...

Hi, Thanks for your amazing work. The study is very interesting. You are using DINO as feature extractor in your work, and I was just wondering if you tried using...

Hi, Thanks for releasing the code. I am wondering when will you release pseudo-GT for SMPL for AVA, AI Challenger and Instavariety? Thanks,

Hi, Thanks for releasing the code. I have a question concerning your evaluation on AGORA for the AGORA-PC setting on the validation. You are mentioning that: "Each image has 5-15...

Hi, I would like to download your dataset but I cannot obtain the link from this [webpage](https://pan.baidu.com/s/12nB-B-JgcCP2ulVmnWy4Lg?pwd=mo07) you gave in the README. Would it be possible for you to host...

Thanks for your work and datasets. I have download the pre-processed tar.gz file of the tfrecords for InstaVariety and I have extracted them which gives me 273 tfrecords for the...