Fabian Grutschus

Results 15 issues of Fabian Grutschus

I have some weird filters in my CSS files from external libraries, e.g. `filter: url(#shadow);` I think the CssRewriteFilter should not rewrite those, so I added an exclude for those...

Hello, the XML declaration should be aware of the encoding: Code: !!! xml iso-5589-1 Result <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-5589-1"?>

Hallo, great library and what I'm currently tried worked well. I'm currently working on a integration of this library for Zend Framework. What I noticed is that the content isn't...

I understand, that some project don't have a `.goreleaser.yml` file included in their repository, but I have, since I wanna build a project for Windows and some other platforms. Currently...


For those getting this error: ``` Uncaught AsseticBundle\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: no strategy defined for renderer "Laminas\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer" ``` put the following into your config: ```php

### BC Break Report | Q | A |------------ | ------ | Version | 2.11.1 #### Summary #33 and version 2.11.1 introduced better checking for PDO::FETCH_* constants but marked the...

BC Break

Data is populated then when `SelectInventory` on `HostGetParams` is used. The Zabbix documentation says that all fields are strings.

Can I please have a flag (or another method), where a AuthenticationResult object is returned instead of the user object, which contains: - the user object, - the result message/error,...
