The correct operator is really "Deutsche Post AG", with the brand "Deutsche Post" (name from the former state-operated postal service, which is still used as a brand). There may be...
The operator is "Deutsche Post AG" (see https://group.dhl.com/en/legal-notice.html) and the brand is "Deutsche Post". So [it](https://nsi.guide/index.html?t=operators&k=amenity&v=post_box&cc=de#deutschepost-225eac) should be: `amenity=post_box` `brand=Deutsche Post` `operator=Deutsche Post AG` `operator:wikidata=Q157645` Entries of operator "Deutsche Telekom...
Good idea! Added a product with a wrong price date, and could not edit or delete it.
Thanks you! Tried it and it works without problems.
If it is unclear, I mean a direct edit-link for the product.
An configuration option, which is off by default, would be OK, if you think it is overloading or clicked by accident. I added my first bon and had three new...
As it is now there, it is OK, if the website would not lose you viewing context. As you have to hit "load more" again, when you go back via...