@sverweij - thank you very much for hint - works like a charm!
@perilbrain - thank your for dropping that hint!
I‘m using Sublimetext with pandoc (build chain). Atom also supports pandoc via extensions.
There is also an online editor available for "building" up tmthemes: https://tmtheme-editor.herokuapp.com/#!/editor/theme/Monokai
Updating formula to make it available via homebrew would be fantastic! Thank you for great tool!
Thank you very much for explaining! Agree, could cause some irritations. Maybe there is a chance to provide two formulas, a v5 and a v6 ones?
Great news - thank you very much!
Too bad. Thank you anyway!
Sorry for being not responsive... will check and return with findings. @croce1 - would you mind to send me a file causing that troubles? It's content is not of importance...
@fletcher - thanks for filename, but I think I will need such a file. Just to be sure to work on root cause (on the other hand: I could create...