And I can argue the same for my side. Wikipedia has been secretly infiltrated by the NSA and is collecting all your personal data? Says who? How can you know?
I agree. I've edited my issue, to be more clear and concise about my issue with WikiLess.
The dev of this project made a Minecraft hacked client named Sigma Jello
The Web Crypto API for hashing is not very good, there might be some cases for when this library might be needed, those cases being any other case than hashing...
There's no way to hash data in chunks (i.e create a hash object and update data). If this functionality was added I would definitely stop using this library (or any...
Well, if you are going for speed and can fit the entire file into memory, SubtleCrypto may be faster. It uses (BoringSSL/OpenSSL/whatever crypto library your browser uses)'s crypto functions under...