
Results 8 issues of f3bruary

I pulled a new copy of the theme and applied it on my Manjaro 'Micah' + xfce system. When I apply the theme in gtk3/xfce, I get this thin white...

Could you take a look at theming libnotify and gtk popups/notifications ? For example, and Arc Darker libnotify looks like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5641933/95619439-efc0c380-0a6e-11eb-8da7-0f15f891e4d3.png) On Ant Bloody it looks like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5641933/95619518-09620b00-0a6f-11eb-9fa4-3a99dd34fbc4.png)...

I set up hideit to hide my polybar to the bottom, and it's working but the tray doesn't move with the bar. It stays stuck onscreen. ![Screencast 2020-10-09 21:11:43](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5641933/95623334-61037500-0a75-11eb-9a78-c7d4fba1983c.gif)

cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: cmdargs-0.10.18 failed during the configure step. The exception was: user error (The package 'cmdargs' requires Cabal library version -any && \>=1.18 but no...

I think the torrents are taking up too much space. I'd prefer it if each torrent had its own row instead of 2 torrents on each row. And stretch them...

nginx/snippets/fastcgi-php.conf on line 13

I installed it successfully but there is nothing showing in ls. I also installed it on a server (also Debian) and it works fine there. Both using zsh. No idea...

I got 3-finger swipe set up to ALT-left/right and it works fine although still need to play around with the -d parameter. I noticed however in a terminal if I...