Stanislav Ivanov
Stanislav Ivanov
Problem is more complicated, then I think before. `pylupdate` call minimalistic parser for .py files processing [(this code?)]( This parser reject `translate` calls with comma before closed bracket as invalid....
I found that in [PyQt6]( pylupdate completely reworked. Now it use AST based parser (and have no problems with tailing comma), but it does not support `translate` as a function...
I was modified `extentions` part of `cartopy` `` file from this: ``` extensions = [ Extension( 'cartopy.trace', ['lib/cartopy/trace.pyx'], include_dirs=([include_dir, './lib/cartopy', np.get_include()] + geos_includes), libraries=geos_libraries, library_dirs=[library_dir] + geos_library_dirs, language='c++', **extra_extension_args), ]...
Same on Ubuntu 18.04
If I understand the logic in `client/platforms/linux/daemon/dnsutilslinux.cpp` correctly `amnezia-client` tries to send information about new DNS servers via DBUS to local resolver (`systemd-resolved`), and blocks all other DNS requests with...