Results 27 issues of Jan Schlüter

This changes the bit of the code which collects hyperparameters from command line flags into a named tuple. Since Nov 6 (commit 2652704), TensorFlow uses `absl.flags`, which means `FLAGS.__flags` does...

This issue shall serve as a place to announce and discuss new results, to avoid the discussion being spread over several pull requests that just happened to be there (#11,...

When passing a two-dimensional input layer to LSTMLayer, it will break with an uninterpretable error message: ``` >>> lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer((10, 20), 30) [...] TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an...


Upscale1DLayer, Upscale2DLayer, Upscale3DLayer share a lot of code (and tests). They could be refactored to be derived from a common UpscaleLayer that supports any number of spatial dimensions, or maybe...

Would be great to implement the initialization scheme proposed in and recommend it in the `TransposedConv2DLayer`. Could be a "meta-initializer" that can be used to wrap any of the...

Dilated convolution is currently implemented as a convolution backward pass because Theano did not have any other support for this. For performance reasons (avoiding a dimshuffle -> gpu_contiguous), the weights...

The [module docstring for `lasagne.layers.recurrent`]( has an example that uses reshapes to put a dense layer on top of a recurrent layer -- this should be updated to use the...


This was asked for on the mailing list:!topic/lasagne-users/vYIzqT1Wn7g For the implementation, the constructor would need to create new shared variables for all params of the layer to be inverted,...

The guide at should be extended to cover at least two more topics: * A layer with multiple inputs (derive from MergeLayer) * A layer with dynamic output shape...


This is a proposal to resolve the long-standing discussions on multiple-output layers (#337) and merge layers accepting dictionaries (#537), both required for recurrent containers (#629). It was originally formulated in...