Results 421 comments of Jan Schlüter

(Note, just so it's not overlooked: That PR is from your `master` branch, you may either want to file a new PR from a separate branch or rebase it onto...

> Would there be interest in adding these recipes? I guess so, yes! In what form would these recipes be? Ideally, I guess they'd construct the network in Python code,...

> A separate subdirectory for pre-trained models is not a bad idea. I'm still sad we didn't go for [food-related directory names]( `starters` (tutorials), `mains` (papers), `sides` (snippets), and now...

Thanks! I'm not so sure about the way the implementation uses the layer names... I'd start from the residual networks example and either modify the ElemwiseSumLayer to include a `theano.ifelse.ifelse()`...

Actually, the Stochastic Depth code is very clean and easy to read, whether you know Torch or not. I'd suggest to start from this, rather than from the paper, and...

> I'll have a look and try simplify the code a bit. Thanks! Don't have time to review this week... anybody else? > I didn't realize the same layers were...

> I have made some big changes (and more commits than necessary =/)! Don't worry, this can be cleaned up in retrospect if needed. Sounds you've made some good progress,...

Looks good in general! Some comments (the diff is too long for github to display, so I'll comment here): > y_train=T.cast(theano.shared(y_train), 'int32') Why don't you cast the data _before_ turning...

> This is because supposedly you can only store floats on the GPU (the labels would be stored in host memory otherwise). Are you saying this is not the case?...