Ibexa Bot
Ibexa Bot
Tool version : PHP CS Fixer 2.1.2 by Fabien Potencier and Dariusz Ruminski Command executed ```php-cs-fixer --dry-run -v fix ``` This Pull Request does not respect [PSR-2 Coding Standards](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/), please,...
Tool version : PHP CS Fixer 2.1.2 by Fabien Potencier and Dariusz Ruminski Command executed ```php-cs-fixer --dry-run -v fix ``` This Pull Request does not respect [PSR-2 Coding Standards](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/), please,...
Tool version : PHP CS Fixer 2.1.2 by Fabien Potencier and Dariusz Ruminski Command executed ```php-cs-fixer --dry-run -v fix ``` This Pull Request does not respect [PSR-2 Coding Standards](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2/), please,...