
Results 9 issues of Mr.Wu


b_user.go 文件 LoadPolicy这个方法的AddRoleForUser一直没有执行 item.Roles查出来是一个nil

```golang func Hub() *iris.Application { app := iris.New() s := sse.New() mvc.Configure(app.Party("/web"), func(mvc *mvc.Application) { s.CreateStream("messages") mvc.Router.Any("/events", iris.FromStd(s.HTTPHandler)) go func() { ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 2) for range ticker.C {...

``` javascript const callback = (taskList) => { $fetch("http://localhost:2800/task", { method: "post", body: taskList }) .then((res) => { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const ossData...

``` go package main import ( "" "" "" "" "log" "time" ) type UserClaims struct { ID int `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` } func main() { app := iris.New()...

The second parameter events of neffos.dial, can it be added dynamically after connection?