Ezekiel Aquino

Results 8 comments of Ezekiel Aquino

Indeed toggling active props does not take any effect. Wrapping it e.g. `{isActive && }` does work BUT i think this is the wrong approach (also, Safari lags every time...

Hey Richard! I’ve gotten the same feedback before: the behaviour is not consistent tho— sometimes it’s there and sometimes its smooth. I’m definitely looking into it and improvements soon :-)...

Hi guys! Sorry, I really haven't had the time (and same passion for marquees) to maintain and answer (I know)! But just some quick hunch on why the jump. trying...

Hello @TuanDSE62171, I think what you're trying to achieve is best served by 1) destroying the marquee 2) re-initialising the marquee The plugin clones content to fit the parent's width....

Hello Corv, I’ve recently the same reports that you are having with the module (specifically with Uglify)— The current solution is to use the minified file. Will investigate this! Thanks...

Thanks for the report @Cam – will have a look at this to accommodate

Great plugin! thank you! but... Any idea how to solve this issue? works fine on localhost, but when deployed map is blank with the `maps/key` error

I managed to get it to work. My particular kirby installation was within a subfolder and the api call is not relative--- so a quick dirty fix i managed to...