Bryan Zawlocki
Bryan Zawlocki
The .mdx page templates set the page title and h1 with `title: About`. The template specifies `# Your Name Here`, however, this causes a duplicate h1 and results in `#...
running `yarn outdated prettier` tries to authenticate a different package and fails `error An unexpected error occurred: " unauthenticated: User cannot be authenticated with the token provided.".` The package yarn...
Submitting a suggestion to add .webp image format option
How come there are no scripts when installing with pnpm?
Added debug_mode option to filter developer traffic to view in GA4 DebugView
I don't see the gtag debug_mode option mapped to any parameter for ReactGA.initialize(). It also doesn't appear to be related to options.testMode, and I don't know what testMode is for...
- Updated collect.ts is check for page frontMatter property 'display: hidden' to hide individual pages from nav - Added changset spicy-cycles-grin
Is the gh-pages incorrect? Pages add a trailing slash to the root. Gh pages deploy to and redirects to Unless I'm not understanding the chart correctly.