
Results 13 comments of David

Should the declarative form model support the concept of a "page" of fields, like you will with fieldset?

Note that you can use` aria-labelledby="div_id_of_signin_text"` on the control (input) so assistive technology knows what the label is. You'd use `aria-describedby `for field instructions and errors, too.

So is the concept of BlitzH that it'd be used if one wanted to use schema to render non-form components? Lists, cards, panels, maps, etc.?

But there is a "style" in the layout scaffolding _around_ the components in schema: the concept of columns, blitz-field, blitz-field__label, etc., don't you think? I don't have particular complaints about...

How about [VuePress](https://vuepress.vuejs.org/) for static site-generated docs?

Right, like can we Bring Your Own Components? [vue-form-json-schema](https://github.com/jarvelov/vue-form-json-schema) and [BlitzForm](https://blitzar.cycraft.co/docs/blitz-form) (Blitzar) do.

> I started from scratch and got something like this working for element-ui. Did nt do it properly with proper abstraction (with vue-form-generator) but it seems to do the job...

I made a list of some examples where vue form libraries try to do this: [Issue #230 Can you use v-if's using the schema generator](https://github.com/wearebraid/vue-formulate/issues/230). I think it should be...

## Assay of Conditionals in Other Libraries ### vue-form-json-schema Has a [very verbose] way of handling this: [Dynamic Options](https://jarvelov.gitbook.io/vue-form-json-schema/api/vue-form-json-schema/ui-schema/field/dynamic-options) [Example on Code Sandbox](https://4rykx7jj19.codesandbox.io/) ```json "component": "div", "model": "age", "errorHandler": true,...

You're welcome. I'm not using any of them yet, except some experiments to show coworkers what a stringified representation of some of our forms would look like so I can...