Eliezer Graber

Results 146 comments of Eliezer Graber

I was hoping to get the `ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN` support, but I can live without it until 2.0 (I hope)

Right, Java 17 added a sealed class feature, and I guess Kotlin is supporting that in the bytecode for Kotlin sealed classes when using Kotlin 1.7 with Java 17.

Unable to update Detekt because of this, which in turn is preventing us from updating to Kotlin 1.4.

@patrickpilch thanks for that. Unfortunately it wasn't able to help us. Wish this issue didn't keep getting bounced to future releases :disappointed:

I'm using ktlint's `KotlinPsiFileFactory` code in one of my scripts and I started seeing this issue as well. I had it working recently with Java 17, and I'm not sure...

@paul-dingemans my point was that I'm experiencing the same issue that @ScottPierce is experiencing, but I'm not actually using ktlint (I just copied the `KotlinPsiFileFactory` source into my project). When...

I think it would be ok if compatibility was relaxed very slightly (e.g. not so frequent cases where it's very difficult to maintain compatibility). But if that would lead to...

Maybe by using telemetry to measure usage patterns? Although that's a whole separate issue. Maybe introduce the changes behind a flag and ask for community input before making it default.

Getting this when running a MPP project that has common and jvm code. There's a module (`:core`) that uses the `atomicfu` plugin and has `atomicfu` code in common source. There's...