When performing pass-the-hash with sekurlsa::pth in newer versions of windows 10 only NT hash is injected and Kerberos keys are failing to be injected. We aren't sure the exact version...
**Describe the issue:** Suppose I have a table where every cell is a VM region. I now want to unite some adjacent regions. I couldn't find how to do it...
Viewing classes raised some errors. Thanks.
I am working with diffview. I am getting when I do `DiffViewFileHistory` on certain folder. ``` Error executing Lua callback: ...ers\ekarni\.vim\plugged\plenary.nvim/lua/plenary/job.lua:405: Failed to spawn process: { _additional_on_exit_callbacks = {}, _raw_cwd...
Hi, I am on nvim 0.5.0 and I try to use the plugin. I get error on every gotodefintion and goto reference I try. This is in the log: ```...