
Results 25 issues of eyalk5

Well, it is a bit of a funny request, because neovim doesn't support balloon. Just vim. But I believe that it can be done. My first impression is that it...

Hi, as witnessed in LeaderF, when doing ``` while(1): let x=getchar(1) if !type(nr) && nr == 0: continue HANDLE input ``` neovim-qt (with latest neovim server on macos) hangs (from...

Hi, I would like to be able to jump to the start of the previous pair of brackets or to the previous block. For example, `[^ tohere ] [ fromhere...


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23480511/81487787-b854ad80-9269-11ea-8ace-177fa93f1428.png) The `it will save` on top doesn't exists. To reproduce: scroll up several times using the mouse (fast) To solve(maybe): do redraw on mouse scrolling (?) I am on...

Hi, It is recommended to save stuff following quit by \ . To replicate: You can run it, do `:let a=3`, and quit by \. Next time, you won't see...

The neovim that is shipped with Oni is 3.0.0. v0.4.0 is available. I tried replacing the binary of neovim and it didn't work. If someone could update the version, that...

**Oni Version:** 0.3.6 **Neovim Version (Linux only):** **Operating System:** **Issue:** Described in the image. Happens with vim lang server when editing vim file. Specifically, I typed "au VimEnter * nested...

**Oni Version:** 0.3.4 **Neovim Version (Linux only):** **Operating System:** Mac OS 10.13.2 **Issue:** When I open a python file, language server is not avaliable for python. That is unless I...

Hi, I tried to do `` and then easy-motion-sn `imap (easymotion-sn)` I get to the right place but it puts a text from one of the registers afterwards. Do you...

from yahoofinancials import YahooFinancials as YF tick = YF('MSFT') tick.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'balance') In[8]: tick.get_financial_stmts('quarterly', 'balance') Out[8]: {'balanceSheetHistoryQuarterly': {'MSFT': None}}