If any other code other than "$FPSHack_00_SetParam_FramerateFactor__60" is ticked, Wind Waker will not boot. Issue present on Dolphin 5.0-7753. Having this code on by itself also makes no difference to...
As described, if the editor is used on a save made before the PDA has been obtained, the editor will crash and corrupt the save file.
Hello, I opened this issue already on mupen64plus/core but I believe this is a better place for it. According to [this post](https://github.com/m64p/mupen64plus-gui/issues/28#issuecomment-333848772) on the M64P github, Mupen64Plus has no API...
This isn't absolutely necessary, but I've been thinking that I'd like to replace my pirated ROMs with ones that I legally dumped myself. Since I live in Europe, that means...
I obtained these dependencies from [here](https://github.com/Kingcom/armips), [here ](https://github.com/PeterLemon/Nintendo_DS_Compressors)and [here](https://wii.leseratte10.de/devkitPro/other-stuff/ndstool/). However, putting an EU copy of Phantom Hourglass as "input.nds" in the input folder and running compile.bat produces a ROM that...
I obtained these dependencies from [here](https://github.com/Kingcom/armips), [here ](https://github.com/PeterLemon/Nintendo_DS_Compressors)and [here](https://wii.leseratte10.de/devkitPro/other-stuff/ndstool/). However, putting an EU copy of Spirit Tracks as "input.nds" in the input folder and running compile.bat produces a ROM that...