Hello! I am testing out `uv` with a package called [openeye-toolkits](https://docs.eyesopen.com/toolkits/python/quickstart-python/linuxosx_virtualenv.html), which is not hosted on PyPI but on another (public) package index. If the index is provided as `--index-url`...
Hello! Very excited for this project ❤️ Installing a package from a private azure package index (Azure Artifacts) seems to be failing with a `HTTP status client error (405 Method...
This PR is a possible fix for https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/hdbscan/issues/597 - following the approach mentioned in https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/26742 It replaces all references to the `KDTree` and `BallTree` `.valid_metrics` attribute (which is not available...