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Parse HTTP request cookies

Results 9 cookie-parser issues
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This PR is being done in conjunction with expressjs/session#214. Currently, in order to vary the secret value for the cookie parser instantiations I have to memoize them. I'd much rather...


cookie-parser's signedCookie function has the following behavior when it encounters an unsigned value: "If the value was not signed, the original value is returned." This is subtle behavior, and it...


We would like to encrypt cookie contents instead of encode+sign. Would this feature fall within the scope of cookie-parser? For reference, a similar feature has been requested in cookie-session and...


Hi am i using you cookie parser library in my nest js project. I am manly using your library for authentication. I am trying to set a cookie called "jwt"...

awaiting more info

`save-state` and `set-output` commands used in GitHub Actions are deprecated and [GitHub recommends using environment files]( This PR updates the usage of `::set-output` to `"$GITHUB_OUTPUT"` Instructions for envvar usage from...

I was trying to use the cookie parser module, but I realized it was making all requests to my site to just be stuck waiting for the server response, and...

needs tests

Hey! Noticed that the package `cookie` that we depend on has the latest version available that we can upgrade on which has a few perf benefits. This although primarily comes...

I have to use this attribute to safeguard the future usage of my cookies. But this attribute is usable only since version `0.6.0` of cookie. This package uses still the...
