Igor Furgała
Igor Furgała
@MehediH Hi, as a workaround you may try wrapping your SVG with `Animated.View` and applying style using `scale` property
> > @MehediH Hi, as a workaround you may try wrapping your SVG with `Animated.View` and applying style using `scale` property > > Doing so works but the icon appears...
Hi @matinzd, regarding Android issue I cannot reproduce it with your example. Regarding iOS issue I've take a look on your repro and I've managed to fix it by providing...
We've decided to add a warning message when animated component is rendered directly inside `SafeAreaView`. Also, this will be added to Troubleshooting section in our docs too.
@Julioevm Hi there, it looks to me like your `CustomExitingAnimation` is not working because your shared value never gets updated (it's using initial value all the time, so value from...