
Results 13 comments of experiment9123

am I reading this right, that gltf-rs will import the images itself ? I am trying to get this to work on emscripten and I definitely need it to leave...

suggestion - some editors I've used allow you to apply textures in a scene by just dragging and droping image files from an OS browser window.. this is super intuitive...

ok fair enough. would it be overkill to do trait MulAcc : Zero+Default{} ? perhaps various parts of the code only require one or the other and you prefer to...

https://docs.rs/sprs/0.10.0/sprs/trait.MulAcc.html now examining more closely I see that you really do rely on *Fused* multiply add. it might take a bit more thought for me how this will work. I'm...

thinking out loud , what if the library was split into some layers ..is it possible to achieve code re-use with easy experimentation (without making changes to a larger library...

> If you wish to implement this, the easiest way is to copy `mul_acc_mat_vec_csr` in `src/spase/prod.rs`, and tweak the bound 1st small experiment in this direction: ``` pub trait MulAcc...

> Could you take a look at the [`FlatSamples`](https://docs.rs/image/0.23.14/image/flat/struct.FlatSamples.html) type? I'd be curious whether that might come closer to your use case. Thanks, I hadn't seen that. It is definitely...

> We've looked into working with a generic N-dimensional array library before though I can't quite find the issue. If I recall correctly, we didn't find anything **that was widely...

> I'd go as far as stating that it simply is infeasible to build an ergonomic image buffer that is both flexible to account for all various texel types _and_...

regarding the "Array2D" idea i'm reminded of the difficulties in sharing `struct Vec{x,y,z}` .. similar kind of problem where people can diverge on details and style wheras there's a common...