RIngo Starr
RIngo Starr
Thats because on 64 bit there is actually two keys. Forgot about that. I fixed it now. Plus you counting it wrong: ``` powershell $a = Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | select...
Well, they are not going to be consistent because Win32_Product doesn't list everything installed, only stuff installed via Windows Installer. On my box it missed more than half of the...
Sorry for late reply - was busy at work. Here is what i tested: Kansa Get-Fileshashes module ``` powershell PS C:\Users\exp0se\Downloads\Kansa-master> Measure-Command {.\Modules\Disk\Get-FileHashes.ps1 MD5 C:\Windows} Days : 0 Hours :...
Not at all, feel free to use it. Interesting tool you've got, i wanted to do something similar.