Justin Zamora
Justin Zamora
### Problem Do we have any plans on supporting SSL on importer, the same way we do with the rest API? For context, we want to improve our security in...
# Rationale Currently, we have `GETH_` prefix for all env vars. It may cause some conflicts with [k8s service env vars](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#environment-variables) if there's a `geth` service on the same namespace....
**Describe the bug** The node throws this error message ``` panic: precommit step; +2/3 prevoted for an invalid block: wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 44E33FF1736A0144C1B8BC906812802A0E03C2E3971C61CB7A479107DECCE0AF, got 9D3B191ACE94D92906596A1EFC28FE9A2FB1A6E4150E359638E65AD9B81F8CA7 goroutine 85 [running]: github.com/tendermint/tendermint/consensus.(*State).enterPrecommit(0xc000e45500, 0xdb0956,...
# Rationale Currently, we have `GETH_` prefix for all env vars. It may cause some conflicts with [k8s service env vars](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#environment-variables) if there's a `geth` service on the same namespace....
#### System information Erigon version: `./erigon --version` `erigon version 2.60.9-501a53b7` OS & Version: Linux Commit hash: https://github.com/erigontech/erigon/commit/501a53b7aa51a89bbcefc6a50eb44317b4a5a888 Erigon Command (with flags/config): Consensus Layer: Consensus Layer Command (with flags/config): ``` --nat=extip:x.x.x.x...