
Results 10 issues of exo-pla-net

After running > rsync --verbose rsync:// ./ And extracting into directory "poetry", true_poetry.py throws an error that there is there is no config.json file.

### What happened? The timer keeps counting up forever, with the loading gif spinning. No errors. No image displayed. ### Version 0.0.1 (Default) ### What browsers are you seeing the...


The generated canvas is unresponsive to mouse clicks.

**Problem:** We often generate images with a batch_size >1. However, images in the batch (after the first image) by default have an **seed that is unknown to the user**, so...

You can't encode much of a watermark with only 9 characters. This limitation should be specified in the README.

Using sks, you'll get guns in your generations. Here's how the original DreamBooth authors found good identifiers: ``` In a nutshell, our approach is to find relatively rare tokens in...

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Malware.MDKServices.HealthAnalysis.GetProjects(IEnumerable`1 projects) at Malware.MDKServices.HealthAnalysis.GetProjects(IEnumerable`1 projects) at Malware.MDKServices.HealthAnalysis.AnalyzeAsync(Solution solution, HealthAnalysisOptions options) at MDK.MDKPackage.d__42.MoveNext() in D:\Repos\SpaceEngineers\MDK-SE\Source\MDK\MDKPackage.cs:line 209

Given `new ErrorReporting(initConfiguration?: ConfigurationOptions)` and ``` export interface ConfigurationOptions { logLevel?: string | number; ... } ``` A user has no idea what "logLevel" means / will induce with the...

type: feature request
priority: p3
api: clouderrorreporting

Cloud Error Reporting has an option to fire off live reports, even in the emulator: ``` import {ErrorReporting} from '@google-cloud/error-reporting'; new ErrorReporting( reportMode: 'always', ) ``` It would be nice...

Though you can indeed split up a long text into chunks, and you then feed them all into a ChatGPT chat, this is irrelevant. The maximum input length in a...