TTask constructor needs 3 params: `constructor TTask.Create(aParamArray : array of const; aOwnedParams : Boolean; aTaskProc : TTaskProc);` You have missed two previous params. ``` aTask := TTask.Create([],False, procedure( ) begin...
Could you send me an example code?
Do you mean no log file was created after run process?
Only occurs when you fork?
Try to provide an absolute path log file.
Windows 7 32 or 64bits? Could you explain a little more?
Seems some kind of behavior with delphi over windows 7/2008 versions. If you comment line FQueueCondVar.ReleaseAll at Quick.Threads line 968, shutdown problem disappears. I'm trying to solve or report to...
Could you share a simple project?
Yes, there are plans to make a file log viewer.
Could you try to replace this line with: `if not IsLibrary then fThreadProviderLog.WaitFor;`