Dmitriy Kuts
Dmitriy Kuts
Hello, What else can I help? *\* TagInfo scan (version 3.0) ** -- INFO ------------------------------ # IC manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors # IC type: MIFARE DESFire (MF3ICD40) # DESFire Applications: General...
Please add a interface that could use DI and not the service locator
Support 2.1 version of the framework. Please create branch 2.1. I'll send you a PR. UPDATED BY OWNER: I've changed the title as there's no Yii 2.1. And Yii 3.0...
Added phone type. API `getAlertContacts` does not return value returns. Checked for an optional field For example: ``` {"friendly_name":"Samsung", "id":"11111", "status":2, "type":13} ```
I've changed the method for resetting the root user password in MySQL 8+ since `mysql_native_password` is no longer enabled by default. Link Now, versions of MySQL 8.* are correctly...