+1 This will be very useful!
Hi folks! Same problem than @MikolajKakol over here. I was testing the plugin exporting only Figma Variables and seems that something doesn't get properly transformed between Variable Collection names. In...
Hi! following from the previous post, I've fixed the references to the correct collection names/nesting and executed the transformation. What I've seen is that _Primitive Collection_ values get transformed propertly...
Another thing I've seen is that variables of type `"size"` doesn't get converted unless you add this type to the `StyleDictionary.registerFilter` in `transformTokens.js`. It should be included I guess. Edit:...
Hi Lukas! Thanks for your answer and the updates. I've tested it (only exporting 'Figma Variables') but the plugin freezes when clicking on 'Save & Export'. It throws an error...
+1 to fix this, thank you very much for your awesome dropzone wrapper!