Exequiel Barrirero
Exequiel Barrirero
Thanks @lgallard it seems we covered @rpdelaney request. Hope to get their reviewal soon 🙏🏼 CC: @diego-ojeda-binbash
@relnetops Thanks for your contribution. Sorry we took that long to respond. We'll review your ISSUE and consider it for this 2022 Q1. We always encourage our users to create...
This will be really useful since WAF both v1 and v2 are a very widespread AWS security solution. CC: @diego-ojeda-binbash @lgallard @angelofenoglio
This feature will be very useful and practical for an improved developer experience.
Solved at https://github.com/binbashar/terraform-aws-waf-owasp/pull/35
@juanmatias I've just updated the title from **CONTRIBUTION.md** to **CONTRIBUTING.md** to follow the naming convention we're using in GH + I've added an extra reference to => https://github.com/binbashar/le-tf-infra-aws/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md that could...
Let's please consider adding this => https://binbashar.slack.com/archives/GG0PJ78J3/p1672845845930149
@angelofenoglio let's consider adding this info in the doc or closer to the code if needed to keep this into consideration: > The reason for the `SRC_*` AWS files. Yes,...
@rodriguez-matias Matu 2 small adjustment here: 1. https://leverage.binbash.co/try-leverage/aws-account-setup attention box or similar to guarantee that the user => Follow the [instructions here](https://leverage.binbash.co/user-guide/ref-architecture-aws/features/organization/configuration/). 2. In order to enforce the recommendation of...
@juanmatias 1st version has been included => https://github.com/binbashar/le-ref-architecture-doc/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md Not closing this issue since we can probably improve it sgnificantly. CC: @binbashar/leverage-ref-architecture-aws-admin @binbashar/leverage-ref-architecture-aws-dev