WandB Internal User commented: nicolas-dufour commented: Hi @ramit-wandb . I don't have the runs anymore so i cannot give you this files. I'm not doing a sweep just running a...
WandB Internal User commented: SteffenCzolbe commented: I think this feature is finally available, with weave [expressions](https://docs.wandb.ai/ref/app/features/panels/weave#weave-expression)! I chained an expression together like this: `runs.map((row)` => row.history["val/loss"].min) This creates a barplot...
WandB Internal User commented: kptkin commented: Hi @YouJiacheng, thanks for the detailed description. We are looking into improving the robustness of this feature. Fixes are planned for the next release....
WandB Internal User commented: Leonezz commented: Here is a new one. [debug-internal.log](https://github.com/wandb/wandb/files/9655903/debug-internal.log)
WandB Internal User commented: Leonezz commented: `0.018 MB of 1.700 MB uploaded (0.000 MB deduped)` I have to `Ctrl-C` to terminate this...
WandB Internal User commented: lesliewandb commented: Hi @venti07, do you have a wandb question? I can help you if you are running into an error regarding our product.
WandB Internal User commented: venti07 commented: Hi @lesliewandb, Yes I have a question. In the documentation it says the following about attribute "summary": "(Summary) Single values set for each wandb.log()...
WandB Internal User commented: lesliewandb commented: Yes there is a way :) You can use [`define_metric`](https://docs.wandb.ai/ref/python/run#define_metric) and set the goal to maximize. Let me know if you need any further...
WandB Internal User commented: mathbr10 commented: Hello @lesliewandb, no I am only using Wandbcallback() and normal wandb run. I did not set those permission but they are related to wadb...
WandB Internal User commented: vanpelt commented: Wait, so the data is getting logged to wandb in both cases? Why would you think there was an issue with ports? There's a...