Hello, anyone here?
I'm sorry for my poor english 1.my plugin version is 0.3.9 2.OS is linux mint 17 3.The console show nothing 4.I only install sublimectags and package control When "scroll_past_end" is...
It seen much similary with issue #229 https://github.com/SublimeText/CTags/issues/229, but my console don't show anything
... reloading plugin SideBarEnhancements.SideBarDefaultDisable reloading plugin Clang-Complete.cc reloading plugin Clang-Complete.clang reloading plugin Clang-Complete.clang_error reloading plugin Clang-Complete.enum reloading plugin Clang-Complete.st_cc reloading plugin Codecs33.Codecs33 reloading plugin ConvertToUTF8.ConvertToUTF8 ... Package Control: No updated...
main.c #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("hello world\n"); asd-> return 0; } 就一个简单的程序,官方st3只装了package control
上面程序include的头是unistd.h stdio.h string.h
改成c 或c++均无效。 有个现象,保存一次控制台会提示一行空行 prefix: asdaasdas len:0 prefix: asdaasdasd len:0 空行 空行 保存两次