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hAMRoaster is an analysis pipeline that can compare the output of tools for detecting AMR genes and provide metrics of their performance
Harmonized AMR Output compAriSon Tool ER
hAMRoaster is an analysis pipeline that can compare the output of nine different tools for detecting AMR genes and provide metrics of their performance. For most tools, hAMRoaster requires preprocessing with hAMRonization.
Installing hAMRoaster
hAMRoaster is available on Bioconda
conda create -n hamroaster -c conda-forge -c bioconda hamroaster
conda activate hamroaster
hAMRoaster -h
(notice the caps in hAMRoaster)
hAMRoaster Commands
hAMRoaster has several required and optional commands. At a minimum, users must provide the following flags.
: the full path to the output file from hAMRonization. If using the data published with this tool, the file is instudy_data/
: a unique identifier for this run. This name will be the name of the output directory created for the hAMRoaster run, and the name will be included in all the output file names. -
: the full path to the file of known AMR phenotypes; the file is expected to be a tsv in the following format: taxa_name, antibiotic tested, result of antibiotic resting, and testing standard. This matches the output for the NCBI BioSample AntiBioGram. An example file is instudy_data/mock_2_key.csv
. If you are using the--groupby_sample
flag, you want the sample names in the AMR_key to but the same as the--input_file_names
flag in hamroanizer and in the--ham_out
Optional Arguments
: While hAMRoaster comes with it's own classifications for antibiotics and their drug class, users can provide their own classification scheme. This expects the drug class to in the first column, and the antibiotics or drugs that fit into that drug class in the next two columns. hAMRoaster's default classification is located indb_files/cleaned_drug_class_key.csv
. -
: Should results from the mock community key be examined per sample (True), or as one whole community (False). The default is 'False'. -
: If users want to test the output of fARGene runs, they can point to the directory of the fARGene output. Because fARGene requires multiple runs for all the built in models, hAMRoaster expects users to point to a genericfargene_output
directory, and for each run to be a subdirectory named after the AMR model analyzed for that run. For example, for a fARGene run with the model flagclass_a
, hAMRoaster expects their to be a directory namedclass_a
within the fargene output directory specified with this parameter, and that theclass_a
subdirectory contains the output of that fARGene run. hAMRoaster can handle empty files in the output directories, such as when fARGene runs but does not detect AMR genes. -
: If users want to test the output of a shortBRED run, they can use this flag to specifcy the full path to the output directory for shortbred (do not include the file in the path; can handle multiple files in the output directory). -
: This flag can point to a specific file that maps the shortbred IDs to their AMR gene names. hAMRoaster included the mapping file created with the shortbred publication in 2016. It is used by default and located indb_files/ShortBRED_ABR_Metadata.tab
Example usage:
hAMRoaster --ham_out amr-benchmarking/hAMRoaster/study_data/ham_sum.tsv \
--name test_conda \
--AMR_key amr-benchmarking/hAMRoaster/study_data/mock_2_key.csv \
--db_files amr-benchmarking/hAMRoaster/
## the above is used to test the conda install with locally stored study data (available on this repo)
Understanding Output Files
hAMRoaster will create all output files in a directory that the user specified with the --name
command. Further, all files will have the --name
argument in the file name so that different runs can be compared without confusion.
: This file provides the endpoint metrics for each of the tools included in a run. -
: This file contains the cleaned up and labelled version of the input data (drug classes cleaned up and true positive/negative/unknowns assigned)
The less informative but useful for replication files:
: This file contains the number of detected AMR genes per drug class per tool. - depreciated, version 1 only:
: This contains the results when overlapping genes are removed (i.e. AMR genes that are detected in overlapping regions of the input FASTA/Q are reduced so that none of the AMR genes provided in this file overlap). We did not find this practical for understanding results or getting closer to the "truth", but we are including the file for replication's sake. - depreciated, version 1 only:
: This file contains the count data if ALL tools are combined. In our analysis, we did not find these counts particularly useful in understanding tool performance, but we provide them anyway incase others want to replicate our findings.
Replicating hAMRoaster publication analysis
The following will walk through the code for the analysis done as an initial test of hAMRoaster and published with the hAMRoaster pipeline, from creating simulated metagenomic sequences to analyzing the data in hAMRoaster.
Create Simulated Mock Community with extensive resistance
First, a simulated mock community was created. FASTA files were downloaded for eight taxa selected from NCBI's BioSample for their extensive phenotypic antibiotic resistance. NCBI's tool ART was used to simulate FASTQs from a HiSeq 2500 these FASTA files at three coverage levels - 5, 50, and 100x coverage. Note that the input fastas need to be unzipped for ART to work!
conda create -n art -c conda-forge -c bioconda/label/cf201901 art
conda activate art
## -f flag changed for 5,50,100x coverage
art_illumina -ss HS25 -sam -i reference.fa -p -l 150 -f 5 -m 200 -s 10 -o paired_dat
Once this was done for each of the eight mock community members, the simulated fastqs (paired_dat_[1|2].fq
), the eight fastqs were combined to create one fastq file with even coverage at each coverage levels.
cat 'ls -1 A*1* ... | sort -V ' > combo_1.fq ## the ... represents each taxa being identified in alphabetical order for the cat
Once fastqs were combined, contigs were assembled using metaSPAdes.
conda create -y -n spades-test -c conda-forge -c bioconda spades 'python=3.7.7'
conda activate spades-test
spades.py --meta --pe1-1 combo_1.fq --pe1-2 combo_2.fq -o fasta/
With this, three mock communities were generated for the three coverage levels (5x,50x, and 100x).If you run into any issues with this section, I recommend checking that the number of reads (lines) and bases (words) is the same across your input files for each step, which you can check with wc combo_*
Creating a community with Restrictive Resistance
We created a community profile with previously simulated human metagenomes from CAMISIM and added a single AMR isolate collected from a human infection at 1x coverage to simulate a human metagenome with restrictive phenotypic resistance. We included samples 0 through 5 from CAMISIM and combined these with one of two isolates, SRR17789825 for even sample numbers and SRR16683675 for odd sample numbers.
Running Mock Community through AMR Detection Tools
This section will walk through how we set up a conda environment for each of the bioinformatic tools included in the hAMRoaster publication, in no particular order.
shortBRED13 v0.9.3 uses a set of marker genes to search metagenomic data for protein families of interest. The bioBakery team published an AMR gene marker database built from 849 AR protein families derived from the ARDB20 v1.1 and independent curation alongside shortBRED, which is used in this study.
conda create –n shortbred -c biobakery -c conda-forge -c bioconda shortbred 'python=3.7'
conda activate shortbred
## download database
mkdir shortbred_database
cd shortbred_database
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/biobakery/shortbred/master/sample_markers/ShortBRED_ARDB_Evaluation_markers.faa
shortbred_quantify.py --markers /full/path/to/shortbred_database/ShortBRED_ARDB_Evaluation_markers.faa \
--wgs /full/path/to/fastas/contigs.fasta \
--results combo_shortbred.tsv \
--tmp combo_quant \
--usearch /full/path/to/usearch11.0.667_i86linux32
fARGene v.0.1 uses Hidden Markov Models to detect AMR genes from short metagenomic data or long read data. This is different from most other tools which compare the reads directly. fARGene has three pre-built models for detecting resistance to quinolone, tetracycline, and beta lactamases, which we test here.
conda create -n fargene -c conda-forge -c bioconda fargene
conda activate fargene
fargene -i fastq/combo* --store-peptides --hmm-model class_a -o fargene_out_fa/class_a --meta --force
The following arguments were used with the --hmm-model
flag to run all the pre-built fARGene models, with the output directory matching the name and spelling of the --hmm-model
flag: class_a
, class_b_1_2
, class_b_3
, class_c
, class_d_1
, class_d_2
, qnr, tet_efflux
, tet_rpg
, and tet_enzyme
AMR Finder Plus v.3.9.3 uses BLASTX translated searches and hierarchical tree of gene families to detect AMR genes. The database is derived from the Pathogen Detection Reference Gene Catalog and was compiled as part of the National Database of Antibiotic Resistant Organisms (NDARO).
conda create -n amrfinderplus -c conda-forge -c bioconda ncbi-amrfinderplus
conda activate amrfinderplus
amrfinder -n fasta/contigs.fasta --plus --threads 3 -o AMRFinderPlus_out/combo_out
RGI v5.1.1 uses protein homology and SNP models to predict ‘resistomes’. It uses CARD’s protein homolog models as a database. RGI predicts open reading frames (ORFs) using Prodigal, detects homologs with DIAMOND, and matches to CARD’s database and model cut off values.
## note I needed to use the prefix flag for this to work
conda create --prefix=/home/ewissel/conda/rgi -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c defaults 'rgi=5.1.1'
conda activate /home/ewissel/conda/rgi
rgi main -i fasta/contigs.fasta -o rgi_out -t contig
ResFinder v4.0 is available both as a web based application or the command line. We use ResFinder 4 for this data, which was specifically designed for detecting genotypic resistance in phenotypically resistant samples. ResFinder aligns reads directly to its own curated database without need for assembly.
Please note that this was run while ResFinder was being updated to version 4.0 (and the docker version was catching up). I ran into issues with the docker version of ResFinder in May/June, and instead used the web based ResFinder results in the publication study; hyperlink to the web based ResFinder in the heading of this section.
docker build -t resfinder .
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(pwd)/db_resfinder/:/usr/src/db_resfinder \
-v $(pwd)/results/:/usr/src/results resfinder \
-v $(pwd)/dat/combo_1.fq:/usr/src/combo_1.fq \
-ifq /usr/src/combo_1.fq /usr/src/combo_2.fq \
-acq \
-db_res /usr/src/db_resfinder \
-o /usr/src/results
- Note: As of August 2022 the conda version of ResFinder4 is working just fine! Here is the code I used.
conda activate resfinder4
conda install -c dfornika resfinder
# Example of running resfinder
run_resfinder.py -o path/to/outdir -l 0.6 -t 0.8 --acquired –ifa –u
ABRIcate v.1.0.1 takes contig FASTA files as inputs and compared reads against a large database created by compiling several existing database, including NCBI AMRFinder Plus, CARD, ResFinder, ARG-ANNOT, MEGARES, EcOH, PlasmidFinder, VFDB, and Ecoli_VF. ABRIcate reports on acquired AMR genes and not mutational resistance.
conda create -n abricate -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults abricate perl-path-tiny
conda activate abricate
abricate --check
## if you get path::tiny error, run
conda update --all
conda update abricate
abricate --list
abricate fasta/contigs.fasta
abricate assembly.fa.gz
sraX v.1.5 is built as a one step tool; in a single command, sraX downloads a database and aligns contigs to this database with DIAMOND21. By default, sraX uses CARD, though other options can be specified. As we use default settings for all tools, only CARD is used in this study for sraX. Reproducibility note: We had to run sraX interactively in order for this to work properly on our latest iteration of data processing (as opposed to launching jobs in the background with something like nohup
conda create –n srax -c conda-forge -c bioconda srax
conda activate srax
sraX –v
sraX -i sim_dat/fasta/ -o sraX_out
deepARG v.2.0 uses a supervised deep learning based approach for antibiotic resistance gene annotation of metagenomic sequences. It combines three databases—CARD, ARDB, and UNIPROT—and categorizes them into resistance categories.
conda create -n deeparg_env -c conda-forge -c bioconda 'python=2.7.18' 'diamond=0.9.24'
conda activate deeparg_env
pip install deeparg==1.0.2 # to resolve error, note that I HAD to do this to get deeparg to work properly with each "new" run
deeparg download_data -o /path/to/local/directory/
deeparg predict -i fasta/contigs.fasta -o deeparg_out_combo_fasta --model SS –d full/path/to/downloaded_data/deeparg_data
starAMR v.0.7.2 uses blast+ to compare contigs against a combined database with data from ResFinder, PointFinder, and PlasmidFinder.
conda create -n staramr -c conda-forge -c bioconda 'staramr=0.7.2'
conda activate staramr
cpan Moo
staramr search fasta/contigs.fasta -o staramr_out
With this, all nine bioinformatic tools were run on the same mock community at three coverage levels and combined using hAMRonization. For shortBRED and fARGene, which are not a part of hAMRonization at the time of analysis, options were added to hAMRoaster to examine its output (as decribed above in the section on hAMRoaster flags).
Combining the Outputs
hAMRonization is a strong tool which creates a unified format for examining the output of many different AMR analysis tools. Note that all the tools accomidated by the hAMRonization format are not included in this study as they did not meet all the eligibility criteria. For a further explanation, look at the table in the hAMRoaster publication which walks through 16 tools for AMR gene detection and their reasons for inclusion/exclusion.
At the time of analysis, hAMRonization was under development and documentation was not yet complete. As such, the database versions and analysis software versions, which are required flags for hAMRonization, reflect a minimally sufficient string for this and not the true version used in this analysis. This is not a recommended use of this tool or these flags, but we are including this detail for the sake of true replication.
conda install hAMRonization
To generate the hAMROnized format for each tool:
hamronize abricate abricate_out/abricate_out.txt --reference_database_version 2021-Mar-27 --analysis_software_version v.1.0.1 --format tsv
hamronize staramr staramr_out/resfinder.tsv --format tsv --output hamr_out/staramr.tsv --reference_database_version 050218 --analysis_software_version v0.7.2
hamronize deeparg deeparg_out/out.mapping.ARG --reference_database_version v0.19 --analysis_software_version v2.0 --format tsv --output hamr_out/deeparg.tsv
hamronize srax sraX_out/Results/Summary_files/sraX_detected_ARGs.tsv --reference_database_version 3.0.7 --analysis_software_version v1.5 --format tsv --output hamr_out/srax.tsv --reference_database_id basic --input_file_name sample_name
hamronize resfinder4 resfinder_out/ResFinder_results_tab.txt --reference_database_version 2021-04-13 --analysis_software_version v4.1.11 --output hamr_out/resfinder.tsv --input_file_name sample_name
hamronize amrfinderplus AMRFinder_out/AMRFinderPlus_out --format tsv --output hamr_out/amrfinderplus.tsv --analysis_software_version v3.9.3 --reference_database_version v3.10 --input_file_name sample_name
hamronize rgi --input_file_name sample_name --analysis_software_version 5.1.1 --reference_database_version v3.0.9 rgi_out/rgi_out
* Note: hamronizer currently filters out mutational resistance from RGI, so this is a caveat to keep in mind
To combine the hamronized outputs into one table:
hamronize summarize * -t tsv -o ham_sum.tsv
Analyzing result
This analysis was motivated by the lack of an open-source pipeline for comparing the results once compiled. hAMRoaster was built so that results can easily be compared using several metrics across tools. The ham_sum.tsv file created in the last step is the main input to hAMRoaster.