
Results 5 comments of ewillsbae

I am also still experiencing an issue with this. Everything is on the proper branch (melodic-devel) but catkin_make keeps yielding the following errors (in all painful completion): ```==> Processing catkin...

I'm on the branch `origin/melodic-devel` for `realtime_tools` and using the latest version of it. I agree it is probably my set up, but it's not an old version of `realtime_tools`,...

Now the realtime tools is being sourced from the local build, and I still see the same error. ```Scanning dependencies of target gripper_action_controller [ 0%] Built target gripper_action_controller_xacro_generated_to_devel_space_ [ 50%]...

In case this helps anyone else- it turns out that `git clone` of actionlib automatically goes to the branch indigo-devel no matter what you click on/go through. Switching to the...

Is there a ticket for the ms-iot dependencies? I've been working with those pretty heavily so far to try my hand at getting a stable ROS/Gazebo installation on Windows.