Ewen Wang
Ewen Wang
Hi @fanlai0990 , glad to hear that! For the communication protocol, we can't provide a schema since it will likely be evolving during development and production, and will likely be...
Thank you for the fix!
Hi @AmberLJC do you have any tensorboard results for async handy? It would be helpful to attach it with the PR. Thanks!
Do you know how the convergence over virtual clock time compares with synchronous training with similar parameters?
There is no preference on which dataset since we will be building a custom data loader for our internal dataset. I just think it would be useful to have an...
Hi @fanlai0990 from my understanding, the server samples a selection of clients, [then uses the client executors to push ](https://github.com/SymbioticLab/FedScale/blob/e6def0cae191c534dfa416da2cee785530a6dd1d/fedscale/core/aggregator.py#L678)those messages to the client for signals like CLIENT_TRAIN and SHUT_DOWN....
Thanks for the clarification!
@AmberLJC yes, we imagine when the device is in a state that it's ready for training and has new data to train on, it will periodically check-in with the server....