Thanks Angus. I'm not seeing that. Does the demo dataset work? Ewen
If you are able to point to a dataset with which the problem can be replicated, I can have a look.
Thanks Bill. Happy to look at this, if you wanted to work on it together. How would you want the output to appear? The package does: model fitting -> extract...
Hi Bill How would you normally present these results? Ewen
Thanks for this. This is a pivoted stratified table. So stratify in the normal manner and then pivot. You will need `library(gt)` or similar to sort your final formatting, but...
See this discussion https://github.com/ewenharrison/finalfit/issues/13
Thank you very much for this. Apologies I didn't get notified when you posted this. Yes, it's a bug. Or rather just a limitation of the order these things were...
Thanks Winston. Yes, this is reported: TypeError: mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial [[Prototype]]...
I can give you access to a test account on my server if that would help? Ewen
Winston, Thank you very much for your help with this. I'm serving RStudio and Shiny from the same server, as you say with an apache2 proxy. I got it working...