Ewelina Wilkosz

Results 11 issues of Ewelina Wilkosz

currently the plugins works in a way that doesn't allow us to remove configuration with yaml for example if I have warnings parser configured and I remove that section from...

I would expect with a yaml: ``` jenkins: systemMessages: "Jenkins configured automatically by Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin\n\n" ``` I'll get a warning from dryrun saying the file is not...

we now support folder as a configuration source, what I'm missing is git repository + branch as a location. it would allow e.g. multiple teams to share common configuration and...


### Your checklist for this issue 🚨 Please review the [guidelines for contributing](../blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) to this repository. - [ ] Link to any upstream changes that might be required (for example...

trying to run JACReference on local machine, Mac Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6 ``` ERROR: for dockerizeit_jslave_1 Cannot start service jslave: Mounts denied: The path /etc/localtime is not shared from...

PRs from forks are now being ignored by TravisCI, more details: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/pull-requests/

Prio 2 - should have
Size 1 - small

Participants: @Andrey9kin @buep @ewelinawilkosz2 Goal: Decide about the JenkinsAsCode's WoW and responsibilities CloudBees may work on a similar solution but it doesn't seem like we can expect anything in the...

Size 0 - Briefing

The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning for the `master` branch: The CNAME `code.praqma.com/jenkinsascodereference` is not properly formatted. See https://help.github.com/articles/troubleshooting-custom-domains/#github-repository-setup-errors for more information. I would like to...

Prio 3 - could have
Size 1 - small
Status - workable


Action - needs grooming
Prio 3 - could have

https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Warnings+Plugin there is no example for the usage in current implementation there is no support for configuring it through descriptor

Prio 3 - could have
Size 2 - medium