## Expected Behavior The EC2/ASG should be registered as an ECS containers. ## Actual Behavior When standing up an ECS environment using the[ ECS module](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/modernisation-platform-terraform-ecs), the EC2instances/ASG do not get...
## User Story As a MP member user I want to be able to run `terraform import` in a sandbox account so that I can put my infrastructure in code...
## User Story As a mod platform engineer I need to be able to know what security emails / notifications are actually required, and which ones we need to inform...
## User Story The instance scheduler supports RDS instances scheduling now, but there is a lot of code repetition. See if you can introduce a Instance interface type that will...
## User Story As a platform user I want to receive event messages in slack orchestrated by AWS Chatbox So that I know when a resource configuration changes ## User...
### User Story As a Modernisation Platform engineer I want to have one dashboard for all alerting So that I have a better visibility of it. ### Value / Purpose...
### User Story As a Modernisation Platform member user I want to be notified about health of resources or upcoming events that need actioning (e.g. expiring certificates) So that I...
### User Story As an MP engineer I want to be informed of the processes and responsibilities of the milk monitor and the on call duty and so update the...
### User Story Currently the `package-ecosystem` configuration in the dependabot files of the MP repositories uses single `directory` attribute ([example](https://github.com/ministryofjustice/modernisation-platform/blob/cb5255149cbd503223c29e20aa1f029c08530898/.github/dependabot.yml#L15)). The dependabot now supports `directories` attribute that allows for passing...