Ewan Walker
Ewan Walker
Hey, It looks like it was updated in `elastic-gke-logging` but not the other `elasticsearch` directory. However the update is missing the following: ``` storage: $BACKUP_DISK_SIZE ``` Found @[scripts/backup-nfs.yaml.template#L44](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/click-to-deploy/blob/master/k8s/elasticsearch/scripts/backup-nfs.yaml.template#L44) As without...
Yes I saw you updated the one directory, but you did not mirror those changes to the [other directory](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/click-to-deploy/tree/master/k8s/elasticsearch) which shares the same code. As well as the script does...
The issue is with the code in the file ``` /BitTorrent.bundle/Contents/Services/Shared Code/utils.pys ``` Change: ``` def get_local_host(): host = Network.Hostname if not host: host = socket.gethostname() if not host: host...