Thanks for this plugin, it looks great and very promising. I noticed that the examples do focus on query meta-data, not content of the notes. Thus, I think an addition...
The Link now leads to cuDNN 9.0.0 which does not work: link leads to cuDNN 9.0.0 which throws error ("FileNotFoundError: Could not find: cudnn64_8.dll. Is it on your PATH?") Works...
After following the instruction the installation: pip install -r requirements.txt returns the following error: ERROR: Cannot install -r requirements.txt (line 5), -r requirements.txt (line 6), huggingface-hub==0.19.4 and transformers because these...
See this issue: https://github.com/ostris/ai-toolkit/issues/123 This avoids an error message when running when using the latest (as of 22 August 2024) diffuser version: not working diffuser version: 0.31.0.dev0 Error message: Error...
## This is for bugs only Did you already ask [in the discord](https://discord.com/invite/nuR9zZ2nsh)? No, because I found a fix myself but others might find this helpful You verified that this...