LibrosaCpp copied to clipboard
LibrosaCpp is a c++ implemention of librosa to compute short-time fourier transform coefficients,mel spectrogram or mfcc
Python Code ``` samples = np.full(16_000 * 5, 0.2) mel_spec = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=samples, sr=16_000, n_fft=1024, hop_length=512, n_mels=128) print('shape: ', mel_spec.shape) print('sum: ', mel_spec.sum()) print('min: ', mel_spec.min()) print('max: ', mel_spec.max()) ``` Python...
It is really a great job. However, could it been possible that support "win_length" args? Here are the references: + + we may required to pass this variable...
The origin API was ``` static std::vector melspectrogram( std::vector &x, int sr, int n_fft, int n_hop, const std::string &win, bool center, const std::string &mode, float power, int n_mels, int fmin,...
Hello author, I recently tried to extract log-mel features with your code, but found that the actual value is not the same as the value of the c code you...
Firstly, I think a header import seem not enough to leverage the big library as librosa. So, cmaking them to dynamic libraries seem like a good idea, and I think...
Hello, Any plans to implement the mel_to_audio() function, using Griffin-Lim? Thanks
my config: n_mel=128,n_fft=2048,n_hop=256,sr=16000 it takes about 20 second for getting melspectrogram from 8 second long wav file!!! Is it normal for this code?
wav_read_open 读取之后,通过 librosa::Feature::melspectrogram 得到的结果,和直接使用librosa.load 通过librosa.feature.melspectrogram 得到结果不一样 void* h_x = wav_read_open("E:\\wav\\aa.wav"); int format, channels, sr, bits_per_sample; unsigned int data_length; int res = wav_get_header(h_x, &format, &channels, &sr, &bits_per_sample, &data_length); int samples =...
I want to use the ISTFT in CPP recently. Is it difficult to develop the ISTFT function?
Hello there. There seems to be a reference to std::sqrtf() [here]( Thankfully, the fix is quick and requires little effort (editing it to correctly reference std::sqrt() fixed it), but I...