Edward Wallace

Results 43 issues of Edward Wallace

The documentation for `geom_treescale` doesn't cover how it is positioned. That is a problem because default values can lead to overplotting of the scale on the tree. ``` library(ape) set.seed(42)...

A common use-case is to want to change the legend glyph for geom_text from E.G. This stack overflow question has 48k views: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18337653/remove-a-from-legend-when-using-aesthetics-and-geom-text This pull request adds to `geom_text` help...

Hi, I just added instructions and code to install devtools and then ratdat data to tidyverse-first so I could begin to understand the edits. I hope it's helpful. If not,...


Hi bayesplot team, Thank you for making a brilliant and very usable package. The mcmc_scatter plot is very useful for visualizing the correlations between two known parameters. However it is...


Hi, This is either a bug or a feature request for the (wonderful, much appreciated) bedtools suite. I have paired-end reads, and I'd like to compute splice-aware genome coverage. However,...

This is a placeholder issue in response to @arq5x's [twitter post for algorithmic improvement suggestions](https://twitter.com/aaronquinlan/status/1318598452457041920). I have found multiBamCov very good and flexible at what it does, but slow, compared...

It would be wonderful to be able to pass in custom x-axis labels. For example, if I am making a consensus sequence around a start codon, we want the "A"...

Fixes issue #8 By removing redundant scale_x_continuous and coord_cartesian arguments from the output of geom_logo.

Hi, I've started using ggseqlogo for these plots and it's great. There's now EDLogo, an alternative means of plotting sequence logos to highlight depletion as well: A new sequence logo...

Clarify documentation for local execution and resource management #1787. See issue ticket for motivation.