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Evren Özkan
Muzikler hos ama gri arkaplan pek guzel degil :) Tam olarak duzeltmek zorsa bile bir fallback gorsel hos olurdu.
Thanks for the tabby, it's very useful and works nicely. I have feature suggestion. Sorting tabs in a way that the ones I've opened most recently would show up at...
I couldn't see any statement about supported Python versions. Tried with 3.8 but importing `trace` was enough to break it due to deprecated `imp` module: ``` from pycrunch_trace.client.api import trace...
Hello, I'm using this extension for Vivaldi and it works perfectly. Thank you! I cannot find any other extension (only simple translate.google.com redirectors which do not work with lots of...
User, Role, AbstractRole, Permission yönetim ekranlarına ihtiyacımız var. Django'nun filter_interface'i benzeri ama bir arayüz hazırlamalıyız.
Hi, thanks for the ollama-gui. I wish at some point it will be included with the base ollama setup. For people who already have Python (or another webserver) on their...