CoMISo requires the GMM++ library, which in turn requires BLAS. Currently libigl is configured on Windows to make use of precompiled BLAS dynamic libraries bundled in `libigl/external/CoMISo/ext`. This is a...
We are trying to tetrahedralize a parallelopiped, but find that the boundary triangles of the tetrahedralization are not exactly parallel to the input parallelopiped. Is there a way to constrain...
I'm getting a crash when compiling a test program I wrote. The test is available at https://github.com/evouga/enzymetest and requires as a dependency this library: https://github.com/evouga/libshell/ Here is the error: ```...
#### Describe your issue The header claims that "[t]he string is returned empty if no file is selected" but that does not seem correct---on Linux the function returns garbage, since...
#### Describe your issue Right now this can be accomplished by calling set_edges or set_points with empty matrices, which is a bit awkward. #### Check all that apply (change to...
Currently the camera can be controlled by directly editing various intrinsic variables in `viewer.core`. These intrinsics have unclear and undocumented relationship to each other and to the view matrix; higher-level...