Results 26 issues of Evan Martin Ben says: "I'm fairly certain the i64.const 127 should be i64.const -1 or else this function makes no sense"

In cases where a value is >53 bits, we need to use bigints.

If two places generate the same destination, we currently render two labels on top of each other:

I was reading "A tour of Unison" and found this part: ``` Now put the following in your scratch file: square : [Nat]( -> [Nat]( square x = use Nat...

Thanks for making this crate! I looked into its implementation a bit and have a possible improvement that I discuss here: The tldr is you can avoid the `static_str_to_js`...

I attempted to integrate gdbstub into my emulator, following the basics in the (very extensive!) docs. I sprinkled some todo!()s and logs to see which codepaths I'll need to implement...
