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Tour description doesn't match tour code example

Open evmar opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

I was reading "A tour of Unison" and found this part:

Now put the following in your scratch file:

square : [Nat](https://share.unison-lang.org/latest/types/@@Nat) -> [Nat](https://share.unison-lang.org/latest/types/@@Nat)
square x =
  use Nat *
  x [*](https://share.unison-lang.org/latest/terms/@@Nat.*) x
This defines a function called
.It takes an argument called
and it returns
multiplied by itself.

The first line,
use .base
,tells Unison that you want to use short names for the base libraries in this file (which allows you to say
instead of having to say

The lower text mentions use .base, but that is not mentioned in the snippet.

evmar avatar Jun 18 '22 15:06 evmar