David K Clark
David K Clark
@grundmanise Agreed. I don't see why you would need to make App a component. The old example does not do it - indeed it has a comment that it is...
Can someone merge in 118 to fix this bug, it seems to me to both correct the problem, and correct it in a sensible place. Granted, there is no real...
Revive! Just noticed that I am getting this too. Not often, maybe once every 200 app startups. I've just ended up removing the initialisation code from application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
Any chance of this getting merged in? Seems like the correct way to fix it without changing all the code to apple's new version of the base code.
I ended up forking it and adding the changes from @jcarroll3 - have this deployed to our live app.
Actually, I think it is worse than that. I’ve looked in the simulator and the launch images do not seem to be cached anymore. I’ve gotta go home now, but...
This is for storyboard generated ones specifically, but I searched the whole device directory structure on the simulator and it does not have any "LaunchImage*" files at all. I hope...
Is this PR stuck?
There is a problem currently with the way FirebaseError is being used, instanceof checks fail due to this. (It is not working with 10.10.0, was working with version 9.23.0, maybe...
I have been messing with arcs too (as part of a side quest to get printing complex geometry models from octoprint without stuttering) and have found that arc fitting is...